Whitepapers: Compliance with Governmental Standards
Corrosion Report (U.S.F.S.)
United States Forest Service Report on corrosion testing of FireIce® on aluminum, mild steel, yellow brass, and magnesium.
FDA Informational Report (FDA)
Non-toxic to humans; safe for use around food for human consumption
Fish Toxicity Report (U.S.F.S.)
United States Forest Service Report: FireIce® found non-toxic to fish
Not Harmful to Human, Terrestrial, or Aquatic Species (GelTech)
There are no risks of acute toxic effects for aquatic wildlife in streams receiving runoff from land where FireIce® is applied to fuels (vegetation) at any coverage level (application rate) during firefighting activities, or where planned aquatic releases in normal operating dilutions such as those of the residual FireIce® in the tank of amphibious aircraft during or after water scooping operations; or issues associated with the wash-down or clean-up of mixing facilities (airtanker bases) where mixing into storm water run-off infrastructure is planned to occur.
Underground Mine Fires (U.S. Department of Labor MSHA)
FireIce® is suitable for use in mines and is assigned MSHA suitability Number FFA 2/0.