Whitepapers: Comparisons
Class 2-A and 40-A Cribs as well as a Ten-Tire Fire (UL 711) (Southwest Research Institute)
Results of fire extinguisher performance evaluation to determine the effectiveness of FireIce® extinguishers on Class 2-A and 40-A cribs as well as on extinguishment of tire fires.
Lithium-ion Battery Fires Suppression and Prevention (University of Maryland and the Fire Risk Alliance)
The Fire Risk Alliance conducted a series of tests to determine the efficacy of FireIce® in extinguishing lithium-ion battery fires. The first goal of the test series was to compare the suppression performance of a 2.5-liter FireIce® extinguisher on a lithium-ion battery fire to that of a 2.5-pound Halon 1211 fire extinguisher. In the immersion of lithium-ion batteries, FireIce® demonstrated the ability to cool and create the thermal barrier necessary to extinguish. The FireIce® extinguisher was able to cool and prevent cell-to-cell fire spread extinguishing the battery fire.
Metals Fires and Comparison to Other Metals Fire Suppressants (GelTech)
GelTech Solutions, Inc. internal report on the ability of FireIce® to extinguish metals fires; it cools metal faster and keeps it below its ignition temperature without having a violent reaction even though it’s a water based product.